Tarot Underground

Somehow we’ve come to believe that intuition and psychic ability is a gift, only for the chosen few.The truth is they’ve taken our authority from us.

The priests, the chiefs, the witch burners, the school teachers, the college curriculums, the government officials, the scientists, the PhD’s.

We reclaim & revive our “6th sense”, picking up and stringing one bead at a time from the broken necklace of inner guidance.

Intuition doesn’t have a shelf life. It exists in the moment.

We must harvest the moment again and again. Tugging on the thread that connects us one another and one with the Universe.

Reclaim your authority and trust your own gut.

Throw their Tarot definitions out the window and steep yourself in a tall glass of Tarot cards.

Cool, deep and refreshing intuition is calling.

Are you ready?

We ride tonight.

Visit the Tarot Underground on Youtube